Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Livonia Collective Double-Post

The last two days have been a myriad of musical productivity. Today, we celebrate said productivity with the release of two brand new EPs. Both are titled "Fine, Thanks For Asking!" and both are worth your precious time. Here goes...

Half-Pair of Trios - Fine, Thanks For Asking!

Day 1: Half-Pair of Trios is John, Sean, and me. Fine, Thanks For Asking! consists of two roughly quarter-hour tracks. The first is a psuedo-industrial dance jam made with cheezy keyboards, and the second is a gorgeous wash of ambient organs and impassioned yelping.

Hosts - Fine, Thanks For Asking!

Day 2: Hosts is John and me. The second Fine, Thanks For Asking! might be viewed as a deconstructionist version of the previous one. Instead of jams, the improvized sounds here are stretched out into more abstract drones and squeals.


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