The above image, as well as the title for this album, came to me in a dream. I know not what any of it means, but I felt that it was important to indulge my subconscious in these matters. Though conceptualized and recorded in about a week's time, I feel as though there is something incredibly important about this particular record. I only just realized as I was putting this up on RYM, the significance of it's release date.
On July 17th, 2001 my dear cousin, Charlie Tedesco passed away. He was only three years old. I considered Charlie to be my younger brother, and was crushed at his loss. It was his death that began my obsession with music in the first place. As cliche as it may sound, music provided an escape from the harsh realities of the world. In a way, I owe all this to him. Thus, I dedicate this album to his memory.
When drawing a comparison to previous ToaD recordings, Sons of Sam and In Secret Winter would most likely come to mind. Unlike those single-piece releases, Future Pop Experience is comprised of three tracks: "The Circuit", "Suburban Life 2008", and "July 5th 6:00 AM".
"The Circuit" was created mostly by making contact with quarter-inch cables plugged directly into my multitrack. All of the dynamics on that particular piece are created by simply adjusting the pressure being applied to the cables. It also features a bit of prepared guitar for good measure.
"Suburban Life 2008" is built upon a field recording of my backyard I did sometime last week. You can hear birds chirping, children screaming (playfully of course), me opening and shutting my grill (I was making lunch), etc. I added some sounds with my laptop, and created a drone by bowing my bass guitar. These sounds adjust themselves gradually throught the piece until coming to a disasterous climax near the end. See if you can pick out my makeshift acoustic guitar/snare drum in there as well ;)
...Which brings us to "July 5th 6:00 AM". Can you guess when this was recorded? It is basically an excerpt from an over-long drone piece I made in my garage while the sun was coming up. Simple keyboard/sampler/lawn mower set up. You know, the usual.
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